Introducing CAPE: Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages

Many people will remember Living Routes, which partnered with University of Massachusetts – Amherst to run college-level study abroad programs based in ecovillages around the world. Founded in 1999 by Daniel Greenberg, Ph.D., Living Routes immersed over 1,500 students in communities such as Findhorn (Scotland) and Auroville (India) by the time it ceased operations in 2014. Daniel had already left Living Routes in 2012, but feeling the gap left by its demise, he recently started a consultancy called CAPE, which develops short or long-term Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages (hence “CAPE”). Through his years of experience with Living Routes and in his current role as President of the Global Ecovillage Network CAPE is connected to 100s of ecovillages that provide amazing “campuses” for students to learn about human-scale solutions to our global crises. Please check out their short video, all the services they provide for faculty and in the field, and contact them if you or others you know might be interested in creating a faculty-led ecovillage-based program.

Daniel Greenberg, Ph.D.CEO, CAPE –
Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages