We warmly invite you to our next National Networks of GEN Europe

Dear friends of the various National Networks of GEN Europe!

(Videoen er på Tysk.)

Vi fikk følgende invitasjonen.

We warmly invite you to our next NN-meeting – this time in Germany! The meeting will take place from the 13th until the 15thof January (arriving day 12th). Many of you will also stay for the CLIPS meeting (16th-19th) and some also for the training of trainers (20st-23rd).

Our host for all of this will be the young community „Lebensbogen“ in Hessen – a region in the very heart of Germany. This community with about 20 members runs a seminar-center and guesthouse next to an amazing historical site – a Celtic nature „temple“ – in the midst of a beautiful hilly landscape with meadows, forests and small villages. Besides being a member of GEN Germany, „Lebensbogen“-community is also part of a regional network of communes with a shared income– five of them in close approximity.

The address is:
Gemeinschaft an den Helfensteinen
Auf dem Dörnberg 13
34289 Zierenberg

The „Lebensbogen“ community is located near the village Zierenberg and close to Kassel – one of Germanys central train stations about two hours north of Frankfurt and three hours southwest from Berlin. Long-distance, high speed trains constantly pass through Kassel from all directions. For those of you, who will arrive by train, we will organize a shuttle service from Kassels main train station (Kassel Wilhelmshöhe) to the „Lebensbogen“. (Please, don´t mix that up with the train station Kassel Hauptbahnhof!) There will be three shuttles from Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe on the 12th of January – at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. We will pick you up in the main entrance hall. We want to start the meeting with a shared dinner at 7pm.

As for the program of the next days we plan to create the agenda together with you. Please let us know your wishes and topic already in advance so we can prepare a draft agenda. We also will definitely leave enough informal time for walks and talks, play and fun, a meeting with our hosts and perhaps an excursion to the commune Niederkaufungen – one of Germanys oldest and most well known communities with about 80 members at this point (www.kommune-niederkaufungen.de).
We have made reservations for 28 beds in 8 different rooms. We can use a seminar room and an adjoining lounge. The vegetarian meals will be prepared for us by the catering team of the community and served in their guest-dining-area. As we will be in the heart of „cake country“ there will always be cake waiting for us in the afternoon .-)

The total prize is 160,-€ per person – for food (92,-€), accomodation (55,-€) and the rooms that we use for our meeting (13,-€).
Please register for your definite participation until the 23rdof December on this google.doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19tSe3sAsggCf1FswFcEOlU6k4Iv4RudbhVYYHK2UAig/edit#gid=0

Let us also know through this google.doc about your arrival times, if you want to be on one of the shuttles and about your wishes regarding food – at the latest until January 7th!!!

For any questions you can contact us via email:


We are looking forward to meet many familiar and some new faces! Be welcome!!

Kariin & Thomas