Cloughjordan Ecovillage formally launched their new Community Amphitheatre.

Last Friday at Cloughjordan Ecovillage, President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, formally launched their new Community Amphitheatre.

This is what he said:

«If we aspire to live ethically together we are required to develop visions for the future based on the need for humanity and the world to co-exist. Such a re-imagining of our shared future requires new versions of how we might live together that are democratic, enriching and respectful of our fragile planet.

The ecovillage model is one such version; responding to our innate desire for community while creating sustainable lifestyles based on ecological principles. It is a model and movement that has been gathering pace around the world, develped and inspired by those who are united by a will to live harmoniously and ethically on our shared planet.

The stated mission of the Global Ecovillage Network is to envision: “a world of empowered people and communities, designing pathways to a sustainable future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.”

They are inspiring words, and words that are being translated into new ways of living by many citizens across the world as they come together to create communities designed on the principles of the ecovillage movement.»

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