Triennial Conference of the International Communal Studies Association

Call for Papers

for the Triennial Conference of the International Communal Studies Association

Dates: July 14-16, 2022 (plus tours of Danish communities July 12 and July 17-18)
Location: Audonicon Conference Center, Skanderborg, Denmark AND Virtual
Conference Theme:Co-Creating Community: Evolving Models of Intentional Community.

The fourteenth International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) conference will explore the ways communes and intentional communities continually evolve in relation to one another, to the larger culture, and to political and ecological challenges.

See more about the conference at We are hoping for many ecovillages in our region to give presentations. It may also be a good opportunity for Scandinavian Ecovillages to meet a wider world of ecovillages and other communities.

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